13 thursday

1. He loves to chew paper
2. He is plump
3. he's a vary good most of the time
4. he likes to help me write my blog In fact he playing on the keyboard rite now. grjtcd
5. He imitates the microwave
6. He whistles 3 songs mixed together
7. He likes to say Gimme kiss then he makes a kissing sound,got to go out side? etc.
8. His head is brightly colored.
9. He loves to liten to me play piano
10. He makes a mess!!!
11. He likes to take baths
12. He loves the mirror.
Sounds like a totally cool bird! I always wondered if I would like a bird as a pet.
He's to loud.
Parakeets are messy too, and loud. They like to sing along with us when Nate plays his guitar but they squawk when we run the vacuum cleaner.
it lest thay don't imitate the microwave
Oh brother
Oh what ever you seid your' sister was in sixth grad and shes only in first!!! So humph.
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